Use "fall on ones feet|fall on ones foot" in a sentence

1. So the sunny ones swirl around, the cloudy ones float along, the rainy ones fall down, and the snowy ones flutter to the ground.

2. Crustiness Large build ups of ones dead skin skills on ones elbows, knees and feet (back foot bunions) That bitch takes Crustiness to a whole new level

3. Bibles designed to help the littlest ones fall in love with Scripture

4. Cowards are the ones who don't fall in love 'cause they're too afraid to suffer

5. The Clank of a sword sounds above the measured foot fall on a polished floor

6. Older ones were sitting on chairs, younger ones on benches, and small children on bricks or on the floor.

7. Come on. Fall in!

8. Therefore, the sack won't fall at the foot of the mast, but will fall further back.

9. Older ones looked down on me, and children yelled that I was lame and had broken feet.

10. Broadly speaking, the cuddly ones should be focused on vulnerable children and the tough ones on miscreant adults.

11. 3 If a stanza from Sappho, for instance, were to fall on your foot, it might hurt.

12. 22 Stronger animals prey on weaker ones.

13. Flat shoes, preferably ones with laces, are more likely to stay on your feet and protect you from cuts and burns, and wool socks are better than synthetic ones.

14. • What legacy can older ones pass on?

15. He's going on sabbatical next fall.

16. The derrick's gonna fall on us!

17. Focus on small goals instead of big ones.

18. The quiet ones always sneak up on you.

19. My advice always fall on deaf ears.

20. I've seen people fall 10 feet and not make it.

21. They fall at his feet and ‘do obeisance to him.’

22. War protests always fall on deaf ears.

23. Well, the ones on TV seem oddly fixated on their sunglasses.

24. There are little ones on top of bigger ones, all adding to give the appearance of random patchiness.

25. Temperatures on the tundra start to fall.

26. Which syllable does the stress fall on?

27. Doctors sometimes fall back on old cures.

28. 3 Focus on small goals instead of big ones.

29. Based on analysis of the various economic plants from NNNBG, there are 66 timber plant species, 405 medicinal ones, more than 60 wild fruits, 26 starch plant species, 55 oil plant ones, more than 40 aromatic ones, 80 poisonous ones, 31 tannic ones, 79 fiber ones, more than 40 ornamental or Afforestational ones, and more than 200 plant species

30. Walk slowly on the ice,otherwise you'll fall.

31. Seek common ground on major issues while reserving differences on minor ones.

32. 1 Doctors sometimes fall back on old cures.

33. Put on a spurt, or you'll fall behind.

34. She has no relatives to fall back on.

35. Did any little piece fall on your property?

36. To become foot-sure and fearless in such tightrope bridge crossings, he practiced on easier ones a few inches above the ground.

37. Which ones moo, and which ones bark?

38. A house built on shifting sand will fall.

39. He fall flat on his face walking downstairs.

40. He also urged them: “Beloved ones, having this advance knowledge, be on your guard that you may not be led away [by false teachers and ungodly men] and fall from your own steadfastness.”

41. Lest there fall any more harm on it.

42. (b) On Judgment Day, how will matters be counterbalanced as between the now advantaged ones and the religiously disadvantaged ones?

43. The reactions proceed much faster on acidic surfaces than on neutral ones, 3.

44. Friends move away, children grow up, loved ones pass on.

45. 12 Merchants are not the only ones on the move.

46. On the whole, I prefer dry wines to sweet ones.

47. I've got to have something to fall back on.

48. We had centuries of contacts to fall back on.

49. Use the blue ones, not the pink ones.

50. Prices continued to fall on the stock market today.

51. What happens when bank holidays fall on a weekend?

52. 5 She has no relatives to fall back on.

53. He could always fall back on his old jokes.

54. Marcos' views on other Latin American leaders, particularly ones on the left, are complex.

55. "The Fall, and Fall, of Gateway".

56. Life comes with many challenges.The ones that should not scare us are the ones we can take on and take control of.

57. 17 You, therefore, beloved ones, having this advance knowledge, be on your guard so that you may not be led astray with them by the error of the lawless people and fall from your own steadfastness.

58. A primer on how to cook Artichokes, particularly the baby ones

59. - Cyrillic letters are printed on buttons, along with the English ones

60. They aren't part of the ones that are on the front.

61. A + leaders outperform average ones on productivity, turnover, and employee commitment.

62. Billposters focus on offensive skills rather than defensive and healing ones

63. 4 He could always fall back on his old jokes.

64. I fall flat on my bonce and break a chair.

65. After all, they’re the ones who are always on my back!”

66. Those ones of you as a fat child on Daddy's knee.

67. Bsae Course Flowchart by Academic Year Fall 2018 - Spring 2019 Fall 2017 - Spring 2018 Fall 2016 - Spring 2017 Fall 2015 - Spring 2016 Fall 2014 - Spring 2015 Fall 2013 - Spring 2014

68. A fall here, if you weren't roped in, would be 5,000 feet down.

69. Do you to know the easiest way to fall in love? Just associate with all your pleasant experience with someone, and disassociate from all the unpleasant ones.

70. But if you're the leader on it, at the hardest move, you're looking at about 100 foot fall, onto some low angle slabs.

71. 10 We had centuries of contacts to fall back on.

72. We watched buildings fall on top of people and pets.

73. 1 Pain like this after a fall on the coccyx.

74. White ones and grey ones, With long beaks, they fly.

75. I hooked his foot when he passed me and he staggered but didn't fall.

76. White surfaces have long edges, black ones have short ones.

77. Words thus strung together fall on the ears like music.

78. 11 I've got to have something to fall back on.

79. Where negotiation fails, they must fall back on the law.

80. A rustic hunting lodge, my latest kill roasting on the fire and my little wife massaging my feet while the little ones play on the floor with the dogs.